IGN (in game name)Grimrott
Gender (not required.... cuz we aren't sexist)Male
About you:I am a very technical type of person, and I enjoy administrating and building on Minecraft. I originally had my own server, but accidentally reset it while I was editing some things. I would like to become some sort of an Admin, if possible. If not, then I will happily still play on this server, I've looked at the screenshots and it looks pretty epic! If you need any help, just ask! I also have incredible video editing software, if you ever need help editing the videos.
Past experiences with Minecraft:Server Master, and complex building architecture.
Contact Information (aim, skype, msn etc.):Skype; tristan.risch
Expectations from server:I would like this server to have as many opportunities as possible for lead roles, and I would like to help out as much as I possibly can.
Thanks! ~Grimrott